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Don't lie about whose really in chat.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 2:47 pm    Post subject: Don't lie about whose really in chat.

You boast numbers, but in reality, those numbers are for people that aren't online, and probably only visited the sites once. Be honest about your usership (aka whose actually online now), instead of confusing new members with empty rooms. We wait 24 hours for what looks like people that signed up, waited, then decided to leave because no one was there. Then you require plenty of personal info, which isn't necessary if no one will even see it. You pride yourself on Goth stuff, but don't have anything to show for it.

If you want to know how that feels, visit "free goth chat" and look at what was posted. I feel sorry for the posters.

Also, please close my account, you've done absolutely nothing for me. Thanks.

Another duped newbie account.
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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 3:56 pm    Post subject: Re: Don't lie about whose really in chat.
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toxicone wrote: You boast numbers, but in reality, those numbers are for people that aren't online, and probably only visited the sites once. Be honest about your usership (aka whose actually online now), instead of confusing new members with empty rooms. We wait 24 hours for what looks like people that signed up, waited, then decided to leave because no one was there. Then you require plenty of personal info, which isn't necessary if no one will even see it. You pride yourself on Goth stuff, but don't have anything to show for it.

If you want to know how that feels, visit "free goth chat" and look at what was posted. I feel sorry for the posters.

Also, please close my account, you've done absolutely nothing for me. Thanks.

Another duped newbie account.

We don't have a clue what you are talking about.

First, we don't post numbers of people in chat. The chat system has many different options to give people the ability to use it as they would like.

There is a site-specific 'embedded' chatroom on each site. Separately, there is a 'Network-Wide' Chatroom option that isn't site-specific, but increases the chances you can meet other people who are online at the same time and who are also interested in chat.

There is also a 'Docked' chat element at the bottom of your browser that will allow you to open up the existing Groups and see people who are online (and available for will see a green dot next to them if that is the case).

The chat system is a separate system plugged into our system and integrated so you don't have to log into it independently (and it keeps non-members out of our network chat options).

Sorry if you are twisted about having to wait 24 hours to access chat or to have to fill in at least 50% of your account data to have access, but 1) the delay gives us time to delete potential spammers/scammers and 2) no one wants to chat with someone who has no profile info.

Our network has been online since 2004 and is constantly changing as we add new features and try different options for things like chat.

Since chat is not used by everyone and certainly not at the same time, it is a bit of hit and miss on who you can chat with and when. We do have a recommended time to use the chat area since it seems to be when more people have been active in it in the past. That being said, it is always running and if you make yourself available for chat, then perhaps someone will reach out to you (in chat) if they are interested.


PS. We have deleted your account per your request.

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